First VR CAVE conference room in the world

We first reported on the VR conference room for Erhardt + Partner, one of the leading logistics solutions specialists, on our blog in a most humble way in the first quarter of the past year.

We were excited to see the project making waves, since – indeed, it is the world’s first VR cave conference room. The international AV Technology Magazine deemed this news worthy of a title story for its current edition.

Title story in AV Technology Magazine

Details worth a read regarding the making-of of the conference “holodeck” including its technical specifications can be found on pages 36-38 of the magazine.

> Current edition from the start: AV Technology Magazine//edition September/October 2019

> Go directly to title story from p. 36: VR cave conference room

> All details regarding the conference “holodeck” can be found at a glance on our blog: VR holodeck instead of VR glasses

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